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Afbeelding LeMieux Conductive Magno Boot door Horze.nl

LeMieux Conductive Magno Boot

Prijs: vanaf 139.95 €

Bij Horze.nl

Conductive Magno Boots are a new generation of magnetic boots. Unique inner liners contain a woven layer of steel fibres directly under 18 powerful 2600 gauze neodymium magnets. The steel filaments conduct the magnetic waves evenly around the lining bringing the whole leg within the magnetic field. This avoids unwanted hot spots from the individual magnets and improves the overall effectiveness. Mesh rear vents release excess heat created by the magnetic field and an outer layer of Bamboo ensures good wicking. This combined with the even spread of magnetic waves created by the special liners enable the Conductive Boots to be used for longer periods of time. Always slowly build up length of time boots are used to allow individual horses to become accustomed. Always seek professional veterinary advice. The use of magnets is widely recommended by vets & trainers for its benefits. Can also be used for maintenance and is ideal for use pre and post exercise. Features: * Helps blood supply to tendons & joints pre-exercise * Aids recovery and detrimental effects of exercise and fatigue * Oxygen supply to tissue * Production of elastin & collagen essential for development of new cells * Helps with the effects of concussion from hard ground or extreme exercise

  • size: (p) pony
  • color: zwart

LeMieux Conductive Magno Beenbeschermers

Via Horze.nl

Eigenschappen: * Helpt bloedtoevoer naar pezen en gewrichten voor de oefening * Helpt bij herstel en nadelige effecten van vermoeiende inspanning * Zuurstoftoevoer naar weefsel * Productie van elastine en collageen, essentieel voor ontwikkeling van nieuwe cellen * Helpt tegen de gevolgen van stoten door harde grond of extreme inspanning

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Horze.nl13 februari 2021 11:31139.95 €Meer informatie | Bestellen

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